The Middle

When I sat down in the summer of 2019, I was spiritually exhausted and at a bit of a loose end. The previous three years had disappeared in a blur of borders and breakdowns and suddenly we were back in Scotland.

About the book

To begin with I used the time as a cathartic journalling exercise: an expedition into the furthest recesses of my mind to uncover what had happened and why. Eventually, I thought there might be a book in among the free-wheeling rants I was scribbling on the computer daily but I didn't tell anyone for a long time.

By spring 2020 I had a plan for a big release later that year. Then Covid arrived and we know how that story ends. I eventually decided to self-publish and never regretted the decision. I never made the Sunday Times bestsellers list or landed a Pulitzer nomination (yet) but I did help a lot of folk by breathing life into my story and daring to share it. Myself included.

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Book information

ISBN: 978-1916378209
ISBN 10: 
Manaseven Books
On sale: 19th Feb 2020
Format: Kindle, Paperback 
Pages: 209
List price: £9.99